Tuesday, April 16, 2013


B kept calling me earlier on our friend's phone. He is seriously worried about me, since I left school so suddenly today. School doesnt get out for another 20 minutes so I'll expect a visit from him in about 30. Jared showed up at my house during my nap, and guess what? MY GRANDMOTHER LET HIM IN. I was woken up by her and she said I had a friend visiting me because I was sick and you can guess how shocked I was to find him sitting on my living room couch drinking a bottle of green tea and smileing at me in his creepy almost insane way. I ran out the door when I saw him. I went to a coffee place nearby and just hungout there for awhile, but my grandmother called and told me to get my ass home. When I got there she yelled at me and demanded to know what happened. I told her that guy was trouble and to not let him in again because it brought up bad memories or something like that. She took that explanation and told me she wouldnt let him see me again. I dont know what it was but something about his smile and the blank look in his eyes suddenly made me very afraid, and I had a fight or flight reaction. Obviously I took flight.

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