Thursday, May 2, 2013


Hey peoples. I'm alive and well. No park drama for me, but I cant say as much for B. Hey on the bright side I found out he likes me. Its cool I guess, proxy killing couple would be kinda fun right? Ok, so I have a few questions. I'm curious as to what slenderman said to carter about me and B. I wonder if its one of those things he said he'll never repeat. Second question: who the hell is Luna? and last: Whats the most brutal and torturous way to kill someone?


  1. Most brutal and torturous way to kill someone? Drugging them with a mild paralytic and then slowly removing parts of them, cauterising the wounds each time. Is at least what comes to mind; please tell me you aren't planning on doing it.

  2. Actually being in a relationship during these situations kinda sucks. Sure it takes care of the loneliness but then that person can be used against you.

    Nonetheless congrats!

    Most painful way to kill someone? I can't think of a more painful way then what Med said.

  3. Luna.... As in crazy ass chick with bloodred hair and completely black eyes that wanders around in black clothes and has a rhombus looky thingy with a circle and a line in it sewn to the back of her hoody?

    That would be a pretty damn powerful Shadow. Not as powerful as a Raven or a Messenger, but messing with her hurts. Bitch stabbed me once.... Stole my knife too. Watch out for her.

