Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ok guys... so as you can see from my previous rant post earlier.... Someone killed a friend of mine.... YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT. SOMEONE KILLED DORIAN. NOT JUST SOMEONE. PROXIES KILLED DORIAN. THOSE FUCKERS BLEW UP THE GODDAMN BOAT HE WAS ON. I was gonna make this a calm non ranting post, but fuck it. Just fuck it. I'm not okay about this. In fact I'm downright enraged over what happened.  Every second I grow more and more angry about what those fuckers did to him.  They will suffer, I can promise you that. I've already lost enough people that I care about, and they had to go and take him away from me too. FUCK YOU PROXIES, AND FUCK YOU STRIDER.


  1. We are dreadfully sorry for the inconvenience we caused you but he was however a very evil person and wouldn't let us do our job in the area he controlled so we had to kill him, and all his hunter friends, he did put up a fight however short of a fight it was he fought non thee less, and the fight did end in a fiery explosion death but we can assure you that The Skull Seeker had nothing to do with it, Strider tried to protect The Hunter but he failed in doing so, we persisted in our endeavor to kill The Hunter and we succeed, his death was celebrated within the ranks of our army "The great Hunter was killed peace can be achieved", we turn our forces now to the rest of the Fears, we will control this earth once and for all.

    Sincerely yours

    1. He was not in any way a evil person, he was trying to protect the portland area. I swear to god, you fuckers will pay for what you did to him.

  2. Oh my. Maybe I'm not needed after all, dear. Looks as if someone's doing my work for me.

  3. Uhhhhhhh Kendra? I thought we talked about this already.

    Did you really not care about Dorian? Because that's how you are acting. What you are doing is foolish. This path will only lead to death. He wouldn't have wanted this. By doing this your just soiling his memory.

  4. Getting really tired of my posts being eaten.

    Dark Side, Kendra. You are going down a slippery slope and not applying the brakes.
