Thursday, July 4, 2013

Well I think I'll spare you all the boring details and cut right to the point. I'm not going to become a shadow, or be bothered by darkness. You all have one person to thank for that: Roy. His constant meddling in this made it impossible for me to get very far with the plans I had. He refuses to let me handle things, and continues to- Hello everyone. The girl is being very immature right now. She will not show even the smallest amount of gratefulness towards roy boy for helping her. I have decided to take over this post and introduce myself to all of you, while she is in time out. My name is chaos and I guess you could say me and the girl are very 'close'. She does not like to talk about me, for I seem to be a embarrassment to her. Roy boy convinced me to rid her of those horrible pills she was taking, and then proceeded to make a very special deal with darkness concerning this girl. It is not my place to tell you any more about this deal, and you shall only know more if he chooses to give you details. The girl is being very reckless with her decisions concerning her precious dorian's demise, and I fear she will hurt others if this behavior continues. If it comes down to it, someone may have to take her out to avoid any further problems. As much as I dislike the idea, there seems to be nothing that I can do to help her at this time. The only thing to do is hope her common sense wins over any further foolish thoughts of revenge.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Even without the pills, there should still be a Shadow inside you... Unless, of course, it was removed. But very few things can do that... Ah, but it is what it is, is it not?

