Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I went back to my house for the first time in years today. I found almost my entire family dead. The only person who was still alive was my little brother, and he was sitting in a pool of blood with a knife, staring blankly at a wall. When he saw me he attacked, so I ended up having to kill him. Everyone I knew is now dead.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Yeah I'm pretty damn sure I'm alive right now. What I find funny is that everyone actually thought I would die that easy. Oh no my friends I'm not dead yet. I intend on being alive for a LONG time. I'm living to see everyone I hate die, and trust me, the list is pretty fucking long by now.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Some people think that Kendra is still alive, well I have something to tell you. She is most definitely dead. I am absolutely sure that she is no longer alive, so stop thinking you can somehow save her. You cannot save someone who is already dead. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Did you think you could kill us that easy Ashley? Next time,maybe you should check to make sure the person you are trying to kill is actually dead before you leave. Of course Kendra, and the boy are gone. Little effect from the the pills darkness makes me take. I must say it is quite peaceful without them to bother me. Confused my dear? I will explain. When you attacked us, and let us to die, darkness was quick to offer us help. She saved me, and allowed me to become a shadow. It has been a little more than a day since you thought you killed me, but time there is much different as you already know, so to me it was more like a year. I really must thank you though my dear. Without you, none of this would have happened.