Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I've returned

It feels like I've been gone an eternity. I know to everyone here, it has only been a handful of years since I went away to help med and the others recover that damn sword. When I never came back, everyone was probably worried sick for me and assumed the worst.
In truth, I never even made it to them before I was captured by Lilith and her band of unholy bitches. They took me back to her realm and broke me. Such quick regeneration on my part made for easy torture on their side I suppose.
I was forced to do awful, unspeakable things in her name. All this in the pursuit of some fucking "game" as she called it. All of which I still don't know the end goal of. And to be honest I'm not sure I really want to.
Of course I decided to bid my time and eventually make my escape from her in the end. But it seems to me like im too late now. Everyone that mattered, everyone I knew are now gone. There wasn't a single thing I could do about it.
I wonder though, how long did they actually wait for me? How long did they keep the hope that I eventually would come to help? But seeing as there isn't any updates or mention of the success of their mission, I guess I will never actually know. The most I can assume is that it was a failure and they all died.
I'm so sorry everyone...

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