Saturday, November 18, 2017

This should be interesting.

Important question for everyone: what happens when Lilith's best meets slendy's best? Well safe to say that I've found out first hand. For the first time in awhile, a fight I'm in is actually making me break a sweat, and I have to say that im really enjoying the sudden challenge.
I guess I should really back up and explain shouldn't I?

Well my tiny new friend Abigail managed to really piss off some serious people. You see she's been in this life for about two years now, ever since the slenderman started showing up outside her bedroom window at night. Now she's not a stupid girl, and realized that she was in deep and also realized that the safest choice for her would be to join him. She made her way into a small proxy team for protection and because of her perceived fragility was assigned smaller tasks that mostly kept her out of troubles path.

Now as most stories typically go, the fragile peace she lived in didn't last long. A higher up noticed and took a liking to her. A few people didn't like her new attention and better treatment, but couldn't really touch her because of him. Doing so would probably end in their death.
Eventually the people who didn't like her conspired with someone else who was quite powerful. The "seeker" as she calls him, was murdered and dismembered, with the blame landing on her. Of course she didn't do it, I mean how could she possibly manage that? But the murder of someone like that is a big problem for a person like her, and now she has some very pissed off and very powerful people after her.

So for now im in charge of protecting her, and I really have my work cut out for me.

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