Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of july...

Well I had a interesting night. Chaos got me into trouble by setting some bushes on fire with fireworks, then threatening a poor old lady who complained about her bush being on fire. Safe to say no one is my neighborhood will trust me with fireworks again. This morning at 6 she set off some more fireworks, waking up a few people in the neighborhood, and almost getting the cops called when threatened to burn down a few peoples houses if they keep complaining. I think I'm starting to hate fireworks....


  1. You heard my warning, yet it was heeded not.
    Now look at what you've got.
    Listen closely, or you will all pay.
    It still involves you all, even the one who hasn't seen the light of day.
    Time's running out.

    1. This is the story of a person with no face and no name
      Who wrote cryptic messages in an attempt to get fame
      Sadly no matter what he tried he was always ignored
      Such is the fate of anons in the life of the bored.
