Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So people will be talking to me on facebook, or Skype, and be all creepy and shit. Then later they come back and say I was talking to myself. I'm not!!! Someone keeps talking to me using someone else account, to make me look crazy. And on their side, they have no history of the conversation.... only I do. This has happened 3 different times, and i'm tired of being called crazy for it.... Strider, for the record... I'M NOT FUCKING CRAZY.... SOMEONE WAS TALKING TO ME ON SKYPE, I SWEAR. AND IF YOU STILL THINK I'M CRAZY, THEN YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF.


  1. Your computer is possessed. Clearly the only option is to cover it in salt and throw it out the window.

    More seriously, messing with computers is well known amongst Proxies. Do these conversations have an underlying theme?

    1. Whoever it is likes to talk about murdering and/or torturing me, and my friends.

    2. Yep, sounds like a Proxy modus operandi. Best advice I can give is to stop reading and replying once it's clear it's them.

  2. I never said I didn't believe you...I said I was just TIRED!!

  3. Ah fuck. Is it Strider? Or other people too?
    'cause if it's Strider, that's normal. Other people, not so much.


  4. Well, technically we're all crazy. Kind of. We all have been attacked by different abominations. So...yeah.

  5. You need to calm down....cuz you seem kinda crazy at the moment.
